Attleboro MA Paternity Lawyer

Paternity Lawyer in Attleboro, Massachusetts

An increasing number of children are born to unmarried parents. As a family law attorney representing clients in Attleboro and southeastern Massachusetts for more than 30 years, I represent both married and unmarried parents when they have disputes over issues like child support, child custody and visitation.

As an unmarried parent, you have the same rights to child support, child custody and visitation as married parents. However, paternity must be established before you can assert your rights.

How Is Paternity Established?

Paternity is established (or disestablished) by filing a paternity action with the court. If the two parties agree who the father is, the process is quick and easy. If the two parties do not agree, then the court will order DNA testing.

Once paternity is established, the child support and visitation portions of the case can proceed.

How Is Child Support Determined for Unmarried Parents?

Massachusetts child support guidelines are the same for unmarried parents as for married parents. For more information, see our Child Support page.

My Ex-Girlfriend Won't Let Me See My Child

Many fathers contact me because they want to have a relationship with their children. Once paternity is established, you will have a right to a regular visitation schedule.

Free Attorney Consultation

Contact me, attorney Dennis Bisio, to schedule a free initial consultation to answer your questions about paternity actions. In-home, evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.