Massachusetts Workplace Injury Lawyer
If you have suffered injuries at work, you likely have many questions. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience in working with Massachusetts workers' compensation laws. I can answer your questions and explain the process. With my guidance, you can focus on recovering from your workplace injury, not on getting your claim approved or dealing with the workers' compensation insurance company.
Contact me at the law office of Dennis P. Bisio, in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
Injured at Work? Get the Medical Treatment You Need.
If you have been involved in a workplace accident, there are a number of things you should do right away to ensure your rights are protected. You should report the accident to your employer and seek medical treatment right away to get your injuries documented. Make sure to let your doctor know that your injuries are work-related so that it is documented accurately and that the insurance is filed appropriately. You should not use your own health insurance coverage for your medical bills related to your work injury (even if you do not have the information about the workers' compensation insurance — that can be updated later).
Selecting a Doctor: Can You Choose Your Own Doctor?
The doctor you choose can make a significant difference in the success of your workplace injury claim. A doctor who is familiar with the workers' compensation system will know how to accurately identify your injuries in a manner that is sufficient for the workers' compensation board.
Many workers' compensation insurance companies require injured workers to submit to an Independent Medical Examination (IME) by their preferred medical provider. However, this is just an evaluation. You may be asked to use the preferred provider for your first visit for treatment. However, subsequent doctor visits can be with your own doctor.
Changing Doctors: Protect Your Rights.
Massachusetts workers' compensation laws allow injured workers to change their doctor one time without seeking permission from the workers' compensation insurance company. It is critical that you first obtain permission for changing doctors a second time, or your medical bills may not get paid.
Although you have a right to choose the doctor who treats your workplace injuries, you may have to see your employer's preferred provider first, if they have one.
An Experienced Workplace Injury Lawyer on Your Side
I can help you prepare a thorough application or appeal for workers' compensation benefits so that you can obtain the medical treatment you need without anxiety over medical bills or time away from work. I use more than 30 years of experience to help injured workers get what they need and deserve - fair compensation for lost wages and other damages and full payment of medical bills related to the workplace injury.
View my Workers' Compensation FAQ for additional information.
Free Attorney Consultation
Contact me, attorney Dennis Bisio, to schedule a free initial consultation to answer your questions about your workers' compensation case. In-home, evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.