Attleboro MA Marital Property Division Lawyer

Divorce Lawyer in Attleboro, Massachusetts

Divorce doesn't have to be a messy and combative process. The marriage that began as a partnership can end as one with a businesslike division of assets and liabilities. As a lawyer serving clients in Attleboro and southeastern Massachusetts, I can help you through the process.

I'm attorney Dennis Bisio. I have extensive experience helping clients negotiate property issues such as:

  • Preserving separate property: Assets you brought to your marriage are yours to keep as long as you can document the separate nature of the property, in most cases. Inheritances and gifts received after the marriage may or may not be separate property, depending on whether they were given to one or both parties.
  • Division of marital property: This includes all assets accumulated during the marriage, including real estate, savings and investments, pension plans and 401(k) accounts.
  • Division of debts: Some families have more debts than assets. Identifying how those should be divided is an important issue in divorce.

My house/savings account is listed in my name only. Does that mean I get to keep it?

Just because one spouse's name is listed on the title or account doesn't mean the other party doesn't have a legal interest in it. In Massachusetts, all assets accumulated during the marriage are jointly owned, regardless of how the property is titled.

The court will put all of your marital property together and divide out some to one party and some to the other. Massachusetts uses the law of equitable division of marital assets. In most cases this will be close to fifty-fifty, but in some cases it may be different percentages.

Free Attorney Consultation

Contact me, attorney Dennis Bisio, to schedule a free initial consultation to answer your questions about marital property division. In-home, evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.