Car Accident Lawyer in Attleboro, Massachusetts
A car accident injury can affect you for many years into the future. A neck or back injury that may not seem serious at the time can lead to chronic pain that makes it hard for you to work and do the things you enjoy.
If you have been injured in an accident, it costs you nothing to talk to a lawyer. I have represented auto accident victims in Attleboro and throughout southeastern Massachusetts for more than 30 years. I always offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and explain your rights.
Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle a Car Accident Case?
If you have not suffered a serious injury, you probably don't need a lawyer to file your claim. However, the more serious your injury, the more you will need an attorney's help to obtain the compensation you need and deserve.
You may assume that you will get better after an accident. However, some types of injuries don't get better and can affect you the rest of your life. For this reason, I always encourage you to seek medical attention following an auto accident.
Seeing a doctor is important for two reasons. First, it helps you get the treatment you need to recover. Secondly, it provides medical documentation of your injury.
If an insurance company treats you fairly, you may never need my help as an attorney. However, most insurance companies will do everything they can to avoid paying you fair compensation for your injury. If you are living in pain following your accident, I can deal with the insurance company and liability issues while you concentrate on recovering your health.
I am experienced in dealing with complex insurance issues, such as accidents involving other vehicles from other states.
Free Attorney Consultation
Contact me, attorney Dennis Bisio, to schedule a free initial consultation about your car accident case. In-home, evening and weekend consultations are available by appointment.